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Problems with THE BELGIAN GOOGLE !


Hello, from a grumpy old man. I've always used GOOGLE.BE to attain access to FORTIS PC BANKING, (so as to keep out those naughty people at Google International ) BUT,
for three days I get an ERROR CODE 404, ?
Do any of you know why ?
Has Belgian Google gone bankrupt ?
Serious answers only please.
Many thanks, RICHARD 2828 at Wavre.


There seems nothing wrong with Belgian Google:

Jul 9, 2013 13:54

If i type fortic pc banking on, it comes right up.

The question is, why are you going through to access fortis pc banking? Do you believe the data log from is not being kept? If that's your concern, is the same as in those terms. Only thing that changes really is google ranks of sites. You might want to look at duckduckgo if privacy is your concern.

Jul 9, 2013 18:18

I don't think there is anything wrong with Google or the Fortis site. Try deleting your cookies and the cache, then try again.
Good luck

Jul 9, 2013 22:07

"Serious answers only please."

And this is from someone who gets to Fortis via Google, and thinks that Google Belgium is bankrupt?


Jul 10, 2013 12:46
Valerie Irala

I agree with everyone else. I have no problems with Google Beglium. You should not have to use Google to access your bank. You do realise that Fortis was taken over by Paribas some time ago? Try copying & pasting the reference given by J above into your Internet browser and you should be able to access it easily. Once you have, create a folder in your 'Favourites' and add the websie reference to that to enable easy access in future. Good luck!

Jul 13, 2013 11:26