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preparation for exit inventory


I've given notice and my landlady has responded. The exit inventory will be in August and the flat, garage and cellar must be "parfaitement nettoyés". Now, when I moved in 3 years ago I had to clean the whole place, floors and kitchen cupboards were dusty, etc. Do I say something now or just tidy and wipe down and hope for the best?


If the entry inventory says the place was "parfaitement nettoyés", then that's what you need to do. If it says "whole place, floors and kitchen cupboards were dusty", you'll be OK with dust, but not grease.

If the place isn't immaculate, then normal practice is for you to get the 1st month rent free instead of the landlord cleaning up. I guess you missed that one though...

Jun 13, 2015 21:01

What you need to do depends on what was on the record of the inspection when you took over and which you signed as agreeing with the contents.
The inspection on leaving will be based on what was recorded on arrival. For example if there were - and still are - nail holes on the wall which were not listed then you have no proof that you did not make them. Similarly, If the place was not described as being in a dirty/dusty state, then there is no proof that it was and you have no option but to hand it over in an immaculate state.
On the one hand, everything depends on the written record from when you moved in - on the other hand, everything is open to negotiation and that depends on your landlady.

Jun 14, 2015 16:20