Pregnancy in Belgium information evening
This 2.5 hours online class is an excellent starting point for parents-to-be that helps to understand the specifics of PREGNANCY and BIRTH in Belgium.
Topics include hospitals, healthcare provider, resources, administration and much more. The class is informal, interactive and fun. Participants receive a follow-up booklet packed with helpful information. EVERYONE welcome!
Past participants say: “I found it incredibly useful. It cleared up a lot of confusion, gave me ideas on what to do now – speak to Mutuelle and hospital tours. It covered all areas I wanted to know about..”
Facilitated by our experienced prenatal teachers these classes are aimed at those who are pregnant or are planning a family, who are new to the Belgian maternity system, who would like to have questions answered and enjoy the possibility to network with other expectant parents.
COST: 45€ for non-members / 35€ for BCT members (prices per couple!) Please refer to our website for details and REGISTRATION: