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Police to hand out 'Pokémon fines'

12:42 09/08/2016

Police are beginning to hand out fines to mobile phone users who present a danger to themselves or others on public thoroughfare. Specifically, the police are concerned about players of Pokémon Go who wander into the street without looking.

The €55 fines are based on Article 7.2 of the highway code, which obliges users of public thoroughfare to conduct themselves in such a manner as to not cause a nuisance or danger to others. Anyone so busy with a smartphone as to present a hindrance is in breach of that article.

The offender would have to be a clear case of hindrance to other road users, police said. The mere act of playing the game would not in itself be enough. However, cases of pedestrians and even drivers being so preoccupied with the game as to create a real danger to others have already been recorded.

Written by Alan Hope



This article should have been saved for April 1.

Aug 10, 2016 08:59

Well on the one hand another fine they can make money off of, on the other people were preoccupied before Pokemon this is just an excuse why haven't they done this sooner.
The game does require people to stop walking though so guess it's going to take a while till crazy dies off and just the geeks play

Aug 10, 2016 10:15