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Pet sitting
I am starting a pet-sitting business and would be happy to talk to you about your needs and details re: location, etc. My mobile is 0485 423468. I would love to hear from you.
I can recommend my pet sitter. You can reach her at 0488862100. Flexible rates. Expericned with all types of dogs, cats and domestic animals. An idea she watches our three large dogs and cat with 2-3 visits a day for under 30 eur a day. The Kennel wanted 45!. Anyway we've had a lot of success with her and since she works close by the mid day visits are easy for her. She even comes on weekends or if we want takes our guys home with her. She has a HUGE garden in the countryside with a ravel to walk on. Good luck.
See this lady's van in WSP daily so she must actually live near here!
Yes; I regularly see the dog nanny in the forêt de Soignes (I walk my 5 dogs there myself) and she's clearly very competent; there's also a company called okazoo (if I'm not mistaken) that does the job very nicely: I've also watched these guys walk up to 10 dogs, and they do a great job.