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Parking near Roodebeek/Kraainem
Many places on the street require you to display a blue parking badge showing the time you arrive, these are available in many newsagent type of "press" book shops. The parking restrictions are clearly displayed in any area. Sometimes you need a disc even if the parking time isn't limited and you will get a ticket if you don't display one. However near many metro stations it's very hard to park near due to the commuters so many roads have short time restrictions. There are usually some free parking but it's a first come service. You could try near delta off of the e411 but I can't vouch how safe cRs are except it's usually a busy places buses and merlo an alternative idea some of the smaller out of town train stations have free parking, again not sure how safe cars are left unattended but groendaal is very close to the RO and trains run straight to town. I don't suspect that there are so many passing people here as in some areas of town. Have a good visit.