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Opel Corsa Easytronic
In looking for a used car with automatic transmission I tested a Corsa 1.2 with Easytronic shift, the one that's neither really automatic nor really manual. Year 2004 but only 36000 km according to a full and convincing service history (belongs ato a very old lady). The car is clean, the engine sounds smooth etc etc and a good price. But one thing bothered me. When it shifts, especially from first to second but also from second to third, it hesitates and then springs to life, lie a jerk. This does not happen with the "manual" mode, which is completely smooth. I read some reviews and it seems common, but I cannot figure out whether it is common period or a common problem. Are there any car gurus around here or someone with experience with this type of transmission to give advice? Should I buy or avoid and only go for an ordinary automatic transmission.
You'll almost invariably find information on common problems with cars on various internet forums. The trick is in using google effectively to find them.
You're also likely to get an answer from a decent Opel dealer - if it's a common or known problem, they will know about it and will be able to advise. It could be that this is quite normal in the way the car works in this mode. They may also be a good place to get the car cheched over before you buy it, particularly if you have any doubts.