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Only 2.8% of SNCB employees live in Brussels

11:22 26/02/2015

Only 2.8% of staff at the Belgian rail company SNCB lives in Brussels, while this number is much higher at other Belgian companies such as bpost and Proximus (5.5% and 8.3%, respectively). Bert Anciaux, chairman of Brussels employment office Actiris, finds that public companies should actively search for Brussels staff, reports

Anciaux (SP.A), who requested the figures from telecommunications minister Alexander De Croo (Open VLD), would like to see SNCB work more closely with Actiris to find more Brussels-based employees by organizing training courses in the city.

"The number of employees in Brussels is so low, it’s almost a case of discrimination," said Anciaux. "Three of the country’s five major train stations are located in Brussels, and SNCB has many types of jobs available for university graduates, but also more technical jobs."

Written by Robyn Boyle



Jeez, soon you will need to move to Brussels to be considered for a job.

Feb 26, 2015 22:18

Maybe this will change in the future and the workers will be in huge number.

Aug 25, 2017 08:25