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One in 10 young Belgian workers is overqualified

10:18 30/10/2014

Ten percent of Belgian employees under the age of 30 are overqualified for their job, reports De Standaard. The phenomenon of overqualified workers – such as an engineer who works in retail, for example – is on the rise across Europe since the start of the economic crisis, according to a study by the International Labour Organisation (ILO).

In most European countries, anywhere between 10- and 20% of the working population is overqualified for their job, with peaks in countries such as Russia, and significantly lower than average percentages in the Netherlands, Switzerland and Norway (each around 6%).

In Belgium, 9.8-14.6% of employees perform a job that is ‘below’ their skills and education level. In the youngest age group (under 30), around 10.2% of the workers are overqualified.

Written by Robyn Boyle



Ah, this old gem. Spend half your life studying, on the tax payer of course, for a qualification nobody wants. I met a young lady in Belgium some years back, studying "hard" for a degree in, erm, I think it was classic literature.

I used to take the mickey out of her saying she should get a job because nobody needs somebody qualified in classic literature or pay for her own studies, to which she replied...... " The type of degree does not matter, I'll still get a well paid job and my taxes will pay for my education".

Sounds great.

The reality is that 9 Months after qualifying at the age of 26, never having paid a penny in taxes in her life, she now complains that she can't find a job and complains even louder about the indignity of having to wait a year to collect unemployment benefits!

Oh yes, plenty of jobs she could do, but she is "over qualified" to do them so does a little in the black and waits for her state hand outs because after all, it's the State that has let her down. Her words!

What a bloody joke.

Oct 30, 2014 11:44