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Number of railway suicides on the rise

11:17 18/01/2013

2012 saw a 15% increase in the number of suicides or attempted suicides along Belgian rail lines, according to reports from the Belgian railway infrastructure manager Infrabel. The majority of these incidents took place in Flanders. In 2012 there were 102 suicides and 98 attempts on the tracks. That is 15% percent more than in 2011, when there were 101 suicides and 73 attempts. In 2011 there was also an increase, with 22% more attempts than in 2010. Infrabel is addressing the issue through open communication, hoping to prevent suicides by working together with different groups and hanging posters in the stations. International studies have shown that barriers can help as well, spurring Infrabel to consider investing more money in new fencing along the lines and crossings.

Written by The Bulletin