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Global income taxation when moving around


When you move around you normally pay tax locally as you go, but some global income in the tax year is applied in 1 country.

What are the exact rules for this in EU and Belgium?

What happens if I just register at the commune, but dont continue the process?
Some salary without registration?
Both of the 2 above.

Assume only local regular salary and aligned tax years.


sounds all fishy to me, sorry.

You don't pay as you go register / deregister and you have to comply with the (different) tax rules and you cannot compare Belgium to France to Germany etc. in EU. Taxes is still / and won't be EU law.
BE has a income tax law on worldwide income!

What do you mean with
? just register and not continue the process?
? salary without registration ( = in black?)
? only local regular salary and aligned tax years?

Please ask and pay an international experienced tax accountant

Jun 24, 2018 12:33

>just register and not continue the process
Just go to the commune once and register, nothing more.

>salary without registration ( = in black?)
You can get paid without getting registered first.

> only local regular salary and
Normal job, nothing special

>aligned tax years?
UK for example has a different tax year.

If I come from the Netherlands to work I will pay month to month tax like everybody else like a Belgian (With deduction based on the full year). What is difficult about that?

Jun 24, 2018 13:56

......Of course usually there is a yearly tax calculation, and that is more complex. (Where it is done, what is included from other countries etc.)

Jun 24, 2018 14:52

If you try to cut corners you can end up in difficulties. Best to register and pay taxes in the country you live and work in. Best to keep all your employment contracts and tax documents. If working in different EU countries then it can all count towards your pension.

Jun 24, 2018 15:32

Second Anonymous and again get real pro advice and not from here.

@ Expirator

> Registration
When registered, you are liable for taxes (including annual regional tax) and of social security or to show the proof of having one VALID outside BE.

> Salary
a BE employer will not pay you legally without a BE national number and without having a proof of a BE mutualité / social security registration.
(....if freelance: you have to write an invoice also with a valid VAT/TVA/BTW or company registration number within EU)

> tax year does not matter first place, their is the option of more than 1 tax declaration. I had the pleasure of doing 4 different ones for the year we moved to BE (home country and BE)

> income from other countries in general increases your tax % in BE, for specifics ask your accountant.

More generic info you will find here

Jun 24, 2018 18:01