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stepfamily, professional help needed


Hi! I'm a mum within a stepfamily and having difficulties to deal with the situation. The tension between me and my stepson is increasing. As this is already going on for a long time and I do not seem to find a way out by myself, could anyone recommend a professional who could help me? I live in the Brussels area and speak also French. Thanks in advance!

Mark L-W

Try calling CHS. Mon-Fri 10 'til 16u on 02 647 67 80.

Feb 3, 2017 21:26

Hi, shoot me an email at! There are many support groups online and websites that offer support and advice for stepmoms.

Feb 4, 2017 00:05

Chs are very expensive and not covered by Health insurance as a rule. If you search psychologist English speaking Brussels you get a list of them with their backgrounds and they seem to be a little less expensive. Have you spoken to your partner about the difficulties? Working as a team is usually the best way to deal with issues of children be they tours or a blended family. Good luck

Feb 6, 2017 16:47
Marie Lewis

Dear Cath,
I recognize it is never easy to be a stepmother.
Have you thought of mediation? Family mediation is about finding solutions to a conflictual situation, with the help of a neutral third party (called mediator).
Here is a link to find a chartered mediator in your area:
You can also contact me to have more info about what mediation can bring to your conflict and we can further discuss it if you wish.
Hope this helps. Good luck Cath.

Feb 7, 2017 09:29