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Osteopaths should be officially recognised, says MP

12:42 25/06/2015

Federal MP Nathalie Muylle is calling on public health minister Maggie De Block to push through legislation that would make osteopaths officially recognised in Belgium so their services will be covered by health insurance providers. 

Muylle (CD&V) emphasised that osteopathy has been practised professionally in Belgium for at least 40 years and that more than 700,000 patients a year visit an osteopath. They are particularly popular for treating back and joint pain.

About 40% of visits to an osteopath are based on referrals from a general practitioner, and osteopaths also work in hospitals to help patients with conditions such as lower back and neck pain.

Muylle is asking for about 1,000 osteopaths who are connected to a professional association to obtain official recognition. She pointed to the government agreement, which states that a solution needed to be found for the recognition of osteopaths and chiropractors regarding activities considered as “evidence based medicine”.

“A Master’s programme in osteopathy as well as continuing training and registration are necessary to give them a place in the multidisciplinary health-care system,” said Muylle.

De Block’s cabinet said that it is currently examining the Colla law, a law from 1999 that sets general conditions for non-conventional practices. Since the law was introduced, homeopaths have received official recognition. The new evaluation by the public health ministry will clarify if osteopaths will also be recognised.

Photo courtesy Flickr Commons / Marco Maas

Written by Andy Furniere