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Neighbors Smoking


My neighbors smoke inside their apartment and the second hand smoke seeps into my apartment. Talking to them has not helped. It is getting really bad now with windows shuttered against the cold - sometimes my throat is sore in the mornings from inhaling this. What can I do besides selling the apartment and moving? Thanks for any help


Unless the rules of the building is governed by a Syndic, not much you can do.
Belgian law does not protect against smoking in private settlements. Your neighbor has, in principle reason to claim that it is in the right.
However, the law's wording on this is:
"Lorsqu’une personne cause à son voisin ou à son environnement une source d’inconvénients dépassant la mesure de ceux normalement attachés aux contraintes du voisinage, le juge peut apprécier le caractère d’anormalité du trouble et éventuellement imposer la cessation de ce trouble.
Vous pouvez donc porter ce conflit devant le juge si vous estimez être en mesure de démontrer le caractère excessif de ce trouble de voisinage (témoignage, constat, mesures de pollution par exemple) et si vous pouvez prouver que votre voisin en est le responsable. Vous pouvez également tenter de régler ce problème à l’amiable directement ou avec le concours des responsables de l’immeuble (syndic ou autres)."

You can bring this conflict to the judge if you feel you are able to demonstrate the excessive nature of this neighborhood disorder (witness statement, for example pollution measures) and if you can prove that your neighbor is responsible. You can also try to resolve this issue amicably directly or with the assistance of officials of the building (trustee or others).

Dec 16, 2014 13:39

How does it seep in? Windows are shut as you say.

Perhaps there is a gap you could block. Or maybe it is in the fabric of their flat.

They're not doing anything illegal are they, though? Just surprised at the seepage.

Talk is good.

Dec 16, 2014 18:55

There was a case in Germany recently where a chain-smoking tenant was evicted because of the disturbance he caused to other tenants in the building.

Dec 16, 2014 23:43

You could try buying one of those machines that draws the air in and purifies it, they are supposed to be good for getting rid of tobacco. Certainly less drastic than selling up.
I don't understand how the smoke is entering you a payment unless it's via a joint ventilation system.

Dec 18, 2014 10:58

Grr auto correct apartment

Dec 18, 2014 10:58