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Mutuelle payment
Can anyone please tell me how long it takes, roughly, for a mutuelle to reimburse payments, once they have received the green papers?
Also, is there a list somewhere of costs charged by doctors/dentists who are "conventionne" - if htat is right? I am wondering if it is worth switching, as my current dentist is private.
It depends on your mutuelle. Mine pays out in cash in the local office though I believe that this is not done in the Brussels area.
If I send stuff in by post, it is in my account in about 10 working days and, in 20 years, I've only once had to chase up a missing payment. I can check all payments via my mutuelle's website. is the official list of legal minimum prices to be charged and the amount that will be refunded. The site is in Dutch but there is a link to the equivalent French site.
I've lived here 20 years but never in an area popular with expats - where higher charges are supposedly more commonly encountered - so I've never known anyone who charges over the legal minimum beyond, perhaps, rounding up to avoid having to give loads of 'shrapnel' in change.
You are free to go to any medical practitioner of your choice and to a different one every visit so the concept of 'taking new patients' is effectively unknown.
I make doctor's appointments online - though I can sit in a queue if it's urgent - and my dentist also works by appointment only.