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Mutuelle Abroad


I have been a member of Partenamut for many years. If I now move abroad (to a non-EU country) can I continue to pay the yearly dues to the mutuelle so that when I return to Belgium I can purchase medicines at the reduced rate for Partena members? i.e., to be a member of Partenamut do I have to reside in Belgium?


You must pay social security contributions or have social security contributions credit as well as paying the yearly mutuelle fee to qualify, not the latter alone..

Mar 21, 2019 13:22

Partena and partenamut are not the same mutuelle.

Mar 21, 2019 13:23

"You must pay social security contributions or have social security contributions credit as well as paying the yearly mutuelle fee to qualify, not the latter alone.." Now that is interesting. So if somebody (EU national) wanted to quit their job yet stay in Belgium (not claiming any sort of social assistance but living off their own funds), it would mean paying more than just the regular contribution to the mutuelle, but also social security contributions?

Mar 31, 2019 12:11