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Multi entry visa and duration of stay


Someone gets a multiple entry visa for Belgium valid for one year with 3 months stay. He comes and stays for 3 months. Can he return before expiry of the visa and stay for a month or two, or would he have used up the three months and needs a new visa?


He has a visa for a stay of up to a maximum of three months within the one year validity of the visa. During that three months (or 90 days) he can re-enter Belgium as often as he wishes. Once he has stayed in Belgium for 90 days, consecutive or non-consecutive, he must leave Belgium immediately. If he fails to do so he will be recorded as an over-stayer when he next leaves the Schengen zone and will not be allowed to return until he has managed (probably with considerable difficulty) to obtain a new visa. If he overstays and happens to be "controlled", the fact that he is in Belgium illegally is likely to be picked up and he will probably be deported.

Being recorded as an overstayer can make getting a visa for any country more difficult and it could also make air travel problematical as airlines can be very cautious accepting such a passenger in case he is refused entry. In other words - you overstay at your own risk and the consequences may not be pleasant.

Jul 13, 2016 23:18

Thanks Becasse for your clear and detailed answer. Certainly an overstay is not being considered. the solution is 90/2=45.

Jul 14, 2016 02:28


What I have read on websites is that you can stay a max 90 days every 6 months. Once you have stayed 3 months in the first 180 days, you can again come back for 3 months on 181st day.

Jul 14, 2016 03:15

Thanks Varun.

Jul 14, 2016 17:55

You don't say continent of origin may help also I think the correct place to ask this is the relevant embassy because overstaying a visa could have implications for the person

Jul 17, 2016 15:48