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Mistake by Point Poste
I received a notice in my mail box on Monday 30 April that a package was waiting for me at my local Point Poste and could be picked up from 2 May onwards (1 May being a holiday). I went there on 4 May and after the lady at the counter checked the computer, she told me that the package had been returned to the sender. At first she said it was because I had not picked it up in time (patently untrue, as the time limit is 14 days) but then simply said that it had been sent back by error. No apology at all, no "sorry for the trouble"; simply a shrug and a curt "We made a mistake, everybody makes mistakes". Yes, I too make mistakes but when these cause trouble to another person I at least have the decency to apologise! Instead, she made me feel like I was greatly inconveniencing her by daring to come and ask to receive my package (and since I know what one certain person here will comment, let me point out that I indeed did speak French to her and did not expect her to help me in English).
Now my package (for which I have paid 66 pounds, already taken from my Visa) has been returned and marked that it has been refused by me. The UK company will reimburse my 66 pounds, minus 10 pounds for packing and postage (from from the UK to Belgium and back). My question: can I request the Belgian Post Office to reimburse me these 10 pounds, as this is clearly in no way my fault?