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Looking for a street begger with Beagle


Dear all, for a few days i have visited Brussel as turist and i've experienced something horrible: on the main shopping street Rue Neuve near city 2shopping mall there is a church called Notre Dame de Finistere, there was a street begger in the morning of saturday 13.08 which had the most beautiful beagle dog i have ever seen, white with only a few spots of braun who was trembling like he was dying in the next minute. I went to them and asked what is wrong with the dog , but the man only spoke french, however i understood that the dog is cold. Than the man said that his father was or is algerian and his mother flamand and that he is living very poorly. I left but after a few streets i realised it was smth wrong in all this. How can a dog.tremble if the weathter is warm. I own also a beagle and i know that is impossible. Also how can a street begger own abeagle, these dogs are expensive usually, i started to tremble myself because i realised that that man was abusing the dog by giving him smth to make him tremble so that the people are impressed and give him money. I saw documentaries about this sort of things and i 'm sure it was the case. I returned on that street but i couldnt find them anymore.Since them i lost my peace of mind and soul. I called some.animal protection organisations, they told me to call the police, but i dont speak any french and i ve noticed that in brussel people rarely speak english. All i want is to find that dogagain , to return it to his owner in case it was stolen or to take care of him myself , to give him comfort. In the mean time i returned to my country, but i'um desperate, i know is not realistic to hope that i can find them again, but maybe somebody can give Me any information about what i could do further, where to write , whom to call or maybe even if somebody ever saw this man near city 2 shopping mall.
Thank you very much in advance,best regards to all, Kristine

From the archives

Kristin, sorry to be hard but you have fell for the con. You were supposed to feel sorry for the dog, and give generously. I expect he was moved on to a different spot after all the attention you gave to the man. It's usually a baby/young child drugged, with a terribly young sister/mother, haven't seen or heard of the man/dog before. Animals and children will always touch the heart and purse strings.

Aug 30, 2011 08:58