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Looking for rowers (and coxes)
The Royal 1865 rowing club in North Brussels has marked another milestone in its recent history with the delivery this week with a brand new racing eight. With two more new boats to follow in September, the Royal is positioning itself as Brussels’ best-equipped rowing club; it is already the friendliest and most cosmopolitan, with members from just about every European country, and several further afield.
We have always welcomed newcomers to the sport, and we have a flourishing core of recreational and less-intensive rowers. We would like to see an equal emphasis on people looking to take their sport more seriously, ideally rowers who already have racing experience or beginners who are up to the challenge of mastering the sport through intensive training.
We are also always on the look-out for people interested in coxing (steering) the boats. It’s an easily-learned skill, anyone can do it, but if you are small, loud and bossy, so much the better.
Whatever your aspirations, you will be made welcome at the Royal. For more information contact or check out the website