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Looking for a good builder to create a terrace


My partner and I have bought a new flat and have been told that planning permission has been granted to build a terrace next to the flat (on top of the downstairs' roof).
Has anyone got a good builder they could recommend for such work? And a rough estimate of how much this kind of construction could cost? The terrace area would be about 12m2.



Before you look for a builder, I would very strongly recommend that you go and see the planning department of your commune. There you can get copies of the planning permission decision, as well as any drawings / plans that were submitted. The planning permission may also have restrictions / conditions that you will need to know before you can get a quote from any builder for the work.

This will be far more useful to you than being "told that planning permission has been granted".

For all you know, the design that has been given permission may not be at all what you want to build.

It doesn't make any sense at all to approach a builder until you are aware of the proper details of what you are actually allowed to build.

Jun 25, 2019 12:11

Not only is ANON completely right but there may well be the added advantage that the "planning" (it's urbanisme in French, I don't know the Dutch) department should have copies of the relevant architect's plans for the authorised terrace.

Jun 25, 2019 14:11