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Looking for excellent diagnostician (internal medicine doctor?)
Dear all,
I am dealing with a condition that seems to be difficult to diagnose, and which is really affecting my quality of life (symptoms manifesting in multiple organs). The doctors I am seeing currently (2 different specialties) are reasonably nice, but don't strike me as particularly inquisitive. They have screened for some common issues, but seem unwilling/unused to going beyond that, and sort of operate on the principle that rare conditions, being rare, are irrelevant:D. Also, they're not extremely consistent with each other. One is concerned about my anemia, as evidenced by the bloodwork, and another says despite the anemia I'm actually fine and trots out the 'maybe it's psychological' copout. For reasons I won't go into here, I don't believe the psychological explanation stands.
In short, I was wondering if anyone can recommend a good, inquisitive diagnostician (internal medicine, or maybe haematology...) who understands that all phenomena have causes and who is willing to look for them, basing their conclusions on evidence.
Thanks in advance for your help
In case you haven't found them, there is a Belgian Society of Internal Medecine. Contact them. I'm surprised you dismiss so readily any possibility of a psychological cause or part-cause though. Any holistic solution would need to take that into consideration. Still, you obviously know your own body.
Nethenbob recommends but I can't see that this is going to be of any help to you as you are not a doctor and the majority of the links from the site are outside of BE. It sounds like, despite what Dr 2 says, you are concerned about the anaemia possibility and certainly this can have a multi-organ effect due to the sluggish blood flow which can result so I would go back to that dr first and ask it to be persued. At the very least, it might help you feel that you have regained control. Good luck!
Go back to your GP and discuss it with him/her. If you have not done so already, set up a medical record database thing so that the GP has access to the information from both "specialists" and gets an overview of the issues you are facing.
Have you thought about talking to your GP? I assume that he/she has your medical history on file and presumably, they suggested the current specialists in the first place based on your symptoms? It seems that would be a better plan than just having a load of strangers guessing about what sort of symptoms you have and then randomly pointing you in the direction of various doctors who may or may not be in any way relevant to your needs.
Maybe you might wish to get an appointment with the Chief of Internal medicine at the University Hospital Erasme, Prof. Elie Cogan.He taught how to the Faculty of Medicine of ULB. At les
You may however wait 5-6 weeks to get an appointment. At Erasme, you can choose between regular practice and private practice (more expensive), both
Maybe you might wish to get an appointment with the Chief of Internal medicine at the University Hospital Erasme : Prof. Elie Cogan. He taught how to diagnose at the Faculty of Medicine of ULB.
You may however have to wait 5-6 weeks to get an appointment. At Erasme, you can choose between regular practice and private practice, which is more expensive.
Maybe you might wish to get an appointment with the Chief of Internal medicine at the University Hospital Erasme : Prof. Elie Cogan. He taught how to diagnose at the Faculty of Medicine of ULB.
You may however have to wait 5-6 weeks to get an appointment. At Erasme, you can choose between regular practice and private practice, which is more expensive.