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Looking for Amanda
Hi there,
I hope somebody there can help me, I was in the Bodhran Pub in Cork last weekend 24th June 2012, and I was talking to a group of Irish girls that are living in Brussels. I watched allot of the England v Italy game with one of the girls (Amanda) from Cork. She is working in IT for the UN in Brussels, I really enjoyed the day and would love to make contact with Amanda again. If anybody knows her or if you are reading this yourself I would love if you could contact me, my e-mail is ffield@bge,ie
Thanks and here’s hoping,
Why don't you call their office? Worth a try no?
UN/UNDP Office in Brussels
Rue Montoyer 14
B-1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32-2-505-4620
Fax: +32-2-505-4729