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Live meal worms
Hi have a rescued bird chick probrably a great tit, too small too have fledged. I would have left it had it been bigger but was dying in baking heat and mum ignoring. I've been feeding it very regularly on cat biscuit soaked in boiled water but I'd like to find some live meal worms for it. I tried dried it doesn't like the consistency. Anyone know any pet shops that sell live meal worms here except dead and dried? Thanks
Any of the tits do not eat worms. Call your local vet and they will put you in touch with the local wildlife rescue who will know how to deal with the bird.
You can get live mealworms from Vivara
I brought up a baby blue tit once, from nearly bare until it was starting to fly.
Food was Americain (so mince, preferably not spiced) mixed with some honey & milk into a goo.
Matchstick worked a treat for feeding, and George thrived on it.
If it survives to trying to fly round the house, or if you'd prefer to get it help sooner, they will take it in and hopefully release it when ready, at:
Good luck.