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Landlord charges for pets - advice


Hi all,

I am a Brit living in Belgium and I have just signed a new lease. The landlord waited until the very last minute to provide us with the contract (only had 15 minutes to review it). He knew that I had to be out of my current apartment in a matter of days, so knew I was in a position where I had to sign.

Unfortunately, there were a number of additional requirements listed which I do not agree with, including a clause that if I have a pet I need notify to obtain permission and pay €50 A MONTH.

I know that in Belgian law no-pet clauses in residential leases to be unreasonable, abusive, and contrary to public order, and have consequently declared them null and void. It is seen to infringe tenants’ fundamental rights to privacy and to inviolability of the home.

I understand that I signed the contract so will most likely have to accept that I need to pay to own a pet if I wish to, however, are there any lawyers out there who can confirm this?

If a no-pet clause is an infringement on my rights, then surely making me pay to have a pet is also unreasonable/a barrier to me exercising my right?



Find another apartment. The guy is a shark.

Nov 23, 2016 10:45

Personally, and after having two homes ruined by other people's pets, I think a no dog clause is perfectly reasonable. However, a clause demanding you pay extra for the pet when you would have to pay for any damage caused when you leave is simply gouging. I have to agree with J, find another place even if it's inconvenient.

Nov 23, 2016 11:04

You have signed a contract so you cannot afford to find another place.
Paying a lawyer to challenge the clause will almost certainly end up costing you more than paying to keep a pet. And you might not win any challenge which you make.
And taking a landlord to court to challenge a clause (particularly as it seems it doesn't apply to you as you don't appear actually to have a pet) in a contract which you have freely signed is not the way to start a, hopefully, friendly relationship.

Nov 23, 2016 11:35

There were legal changes that allows pets to live in apartments. I think you can get a copy of the legal information from EUROPETNET / id-chips Tel 02 880 04 20. Email Website (this is where your pets are registered via your pets id chip) ; also try University of Gent Small Animal Clinic Tel. 09 264 77 00 (best time to call and get an answer is around 8.20am.) You can send an email to : BLKV Belgian Longhair cats registered organisation or call Mevr. Lydia Loeman-Vingerhoets Edith Cavelllaan Tel: 0032 (0)3/236 07 09. E-mail: She might be able to send you a document that says when the laws change and a person is allowed to keep pets inside an apartment; when you have a copy of the legal document then show it to your landlord.

Nov 24, 2016 12:21

Do you actually own a pet? I think the landlord fear is damage and smell from animals after you leave have you spoke politely to them maybe it's an old agreement they just copied

Nov 25, 2016 10:39