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Kid's TV channels


Have subscribed for a Belgacom package including Belgacom TV but have just been informed that it's not possible to have Belgacom TV installed in our apartment block. So my question is, what other possibilities do I have to have Disney Jr and Nick Jr TV channels in Brussels. Installing satellite TV is also not possible for me where I live. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Ask the landlord what is available or previously installed. There should be a tell tale box somewhere, the other option is to stream from a laptop or desktop computer. Legal if done correctly

Jun 10, 2015 14:30

you can try doing a search for IPTV. As long as you have broadband then you get a lot of channels. Not sure which lanhuages apart from English but there are a lot.

Jun 10, 2015 16:14

Can't you not Recieve anything via your phone or modem line? That's how they usually deliver the TV. Belgacom telemetry etc.
Be aware belgacom are very difficult to deal with as far as cancellation policy even if they make mistakes they will tell you all sorts on the phone write to them. Get a written reply because they can and will charge you money for service you don't receive
If you can't use your line or a satellite dish your in a bad situation because the majority here comes that way and there is nothing free via an aerial anymore.

Jun 11, 2015 15:06

Telenet autocorrect sorry

Jun 11, 2015 15:06

In your situation, the first thing I would be doing is querying the 'it's not possible to have Belgacom TV installed in our apartment block.'
If you have a Belgacom fixed telephone line there should be nothing to stop you getting Belgacom TV. If you haven't got a Belgacom fixed telephone line there should be nothing to stop you getting one though you may have to pay to get one laid on.
The second thing to check out is: 'Installing satellite TV is also not possible for me where I live.' Whilst there are places where it is not permissible to have a dish fixed to the front of the building, this does not automatically mean that a satellite dish cannot be used. It will depend on the individual building and where you live in it but I know people who have satellite TV and have not got a dish attached to the building.

Jun 12, 2015 17:07