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Invalidity benefit
This is not easy, I have been given Invalidity benefit, and before you start i have paid all my taxes etc,,,,
The sum I will recieve is 755.00 a month
I was told to go to the Muttualle,,,done,,the Commune,,done, The CPAS say I no longer have a dossier with them,
I have had a heart valve replacement, a pulmonary embolism, five small stokes, well perhaps another one last week, I need to have both of my knees replaced within the year, and I have compressed discs in my spine, and due to an accident I need an operation on my right shoulder,
Is there anyone out there who could help me, I am supposed to have a free lawyer and have sent letters,,recommande, for the past 5 weeks, no response, letters and phone calls to the department for the Invality, 3 hours on redial and no awnser!!!!
I am hurting and just can't cope anymore,,, I have lived here for a long time, paid taxes etc,,,,
Are there any Belgians out there who can help me,,please, I can't go on,I am desperate,,,
I live in Tervuren in a one bed apt,,,, I don't care if you know me but can you help me
My church has been a great help, I am a Nothern European with all the relevant entilments, sorry spelling went with the last stroke,,, The hospital told me to contact the Muttualle, they told me to go to the commune, did that yesterday, they told me to go the CPAS, they say I am no longer on there 'books', I feel as though I am drowning, and not able to do everything they are asking me to do, I am a bit of a wreck to be honest, thanks for your reply
I am sorry to hear of your situation. have you tried your local red and yellow cross?