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Income Tax for Embassy staff
Does anyone know whether staff of Embassies/Diplomatic Missions of foreign Nationals are subject to Belgian Income Tax?
I was told that if you are foreigner working for an Embassy, you do not have to pay the tax but suddenly I received a bill for it this year, with the tax calculations from God knows where, since I never fill my tax declaration forms.
Any information/help will be much appreciated.
Tecnically, an embassy is "foreign" soil, so if you have a certain diplomatic status, you are not working in Belgium and are subject to the employment law and taxes of your own country.
However, if you are locally employed, or do not have diplomatic status; you would be employed under Belgian law with Belgian taxes.
Just being "foreign" and working "for" em embassy do not tell me what your status is.
> I received a tax bill for this year
The Belgian tax man can make up the figures based on what you /should/ have earned, and you have a very short time (4 weeks) to appeal it.
I would suggest you talk to your employer to clarify your employment status, and talk to a tax accountant. Now.