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How to choose/enrol in maternelle
Can anyone recommend a website or information source on how to choose and enrol a child into maternelle in Brussels please? I have looked at the website and no info there. I read lots of advice on how to enrol in Flemish schools in the BCT magazine but I need a French speaking school. Is there an equivalent of OFSTED website where I can see school results or do I need to phone and visit each maternelle in my area individually and base my choice on what I see rather than on official inspection results? Many thanks
I asked a question on this last week, and have since asked a few colleagues who have said the same. For maternelle, you basically check out the schools in your area that interest you (list on, ring them directly and make an appointment with the Directeur/Directrice. He/she will then have a chat with you about the school, show you round a bit and introduce you to some of the staff. If you want to enrol, you then enrol directly with the school. There is no centralised system for registering for maternelle/primary school as far as I've been told.
As for inspections, I've no idea.... Perhaps someone else will.