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Hospitalia and cost of labour
Hoping you can help... Just found out I am pregnant (just 5 weeks) and we have only been covered for hospitalia for the last week... I understand that means I will be covered for the cost of the birth (as the 6 month waiting will have elapsed) but are there any additional costs I can expect? E.g if I request a private room how much is that likely to set me back? Haven't decided on which hospital yet but Edith cavell is the nearest... Also, I have had a euromut policy for the last 6 months but we've only just got round to sorting hospitalia if that makes any difference...
Thanks v much in advance
everything is covered in the hospitalia insurance. Check the doctor fees, Normally the insurance covers 300 to 400% of the doctor fees
Ask Euromut what is covered, do not rely on anyone here telling you, especially if it's going to be Edith Cavell, the most expensive place to give birth.
Pregnancy & related conditions have a 9 month exclusion.
The long & short of it is that you need to read and understand the smallprint of the contract you've just signed.
Si vous êtes enceinte au moment de l'affiliation
En cas d’accouchement durant les 9 premiers mois d’affiliation au produit, l’accouchement pourra être considéré comme le résultat d’un état préexistant. Dans ce cas, les frais d’hospitalisation seront pris en charge, à l’exclusion des suppléments liés au séjour lorsque le membre choisit de séjourner en chambre particulière et ce, pour autant que le stage général soit terminé.
Toutefois, cette limitation n’est pas d’application si l’accouchement a lieu après 9 mois d’affiliation cumulée, à une assurance mutualiste similaire et à l’assurance Hospitalia.
There you go, no private room supplements and Edith Cavell costs a small fortune for those, from what people on here have written.
To give you approximate delivery charges at Cavell.
4days stay+ delivery charges( including dr fees, medicines)+ private room was around 4500 euros.
Partena hospitalia plus covered 99% of the bill.
As an anglophone, get in touch with Jo Everett who runs antenatal and baby here in Brussels. She's a midwife with an excellent network of doctors, physios ect. She guided me so well through my first pregnancy. If Edith cavel is close, then St Elisabeth can't be far. That is where I delivered and despite having a preemie and an unexpected c section it was a good experience all considering. I was in a similar situation as you with insurance so just had mutuel coverage for birth. I requested a shared room, would only be 2 people but if you have a section you get a private room anyway and as you requested a shared, you don't get charged for it. I was in for 7 days for my section, and 10 days as a companion to my daughter in nicu and I payed 300 euros and most of that was the cost of food during the 10 days!
I only know of 3 hospitals in Brussels where independent midwives are allowed to deliver, rather than obs/gynae, Ste Elisabeth is one of them.
There is also Zwanger in Brussel. Just so you know that you can get midwifery led care here, during pregancy, delivery and post delivery.
Is her site. I met with her as soon as I was pregnant and she hooked me up with her preferred OB at St Elisabeth, Dr Vaessens. Jo doesn't do deliveries, but at St Elisabeth there is a great team of midwives and you do many of your appointments with them if low risk. They handle most of the delivery, as well and your care on the ward after. It's a really lovely team and nearly all speak English! Another good thing about Jo is her clinic is in Schuman area, so easy to reach, but if you need her after delivery she can come to you. She's a lactation consultant, too, And visited me in the nicu to help get my little one to latch :) also if I had a minor question I would go to her first and she let me know if my worry needed dr time or it was 'normal'. She would even get in touch with Dr Vaessens for me :)