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Home renovation works - Making a contract for responsiblity in case of any damage


Dear xpats,

I am about to start major renovation works in my apartment. I have found a worker to do the job. I want him to sign on a piece of paper that states that he will take responsibility to fix any damages done in the course of the renovation. My big concern is that he will be removing all the floor and wall tiles in the kitchen and I fear a chip from the tile will hit the window glass and crack it. In such an event I want the piece of mind that the worker will take responsibility to fix it.

Can someone please share a standard contract to get me started?
thanks a lot!


There is a standard form of insurance here which covers exactly this kind of situation. In Dutch it's 'familiale verzekering' - no idea what the French call it.
You definitely should have it as it covers things like the workman falling off the ladder which you lent him whilst he was working for you - and all manner of similar situations.

Dec 18, 2015 17:25

Did you contact an architect? By law in Belgium they are responsible (suivre du chantier, etc.), unless I'm mistaken?

Dec 29, 2015 21:25