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Healthcare in Belgium vs US
How does the quality of care compare between the US and Belgium? I have been sick for several months and doctors in the US have been able to diagnose the problem, so I was thinking of trying in Belgium (I have Belgian nationality). I am planning on going to Saint Luc.
Any information or advice appreciated.
Do it.
Hi Nanou, here it's necessary to have mutuelle health insurance they pick up most of the bill so it's very cheap to get things done, I'm not clear how you can get seen if you don't have this type of cover or hoe the cost do pair. Also good clinics and doctors you often need to wait for self referral a gp gets you there faster. You don't say if you're resident in the US I presume you are you would need advice about I surnce cover I guess maybe look at the website from a mutuelle and see if it's possible to get cover as a Belgian but not resident before you come back
As a former long time resident of the US, in answer to your question: "How does the quality of care compare between the US and Belgium?"
my short answer is: Belgium wins hands down on every count.
Which is better? That's difficult to say. I will the accessibility to healtcare is obviously better in Belgium vs. the states. Try Saint Luc.
ooh this is a "how long is a piece of string question" in general I would say accessibility to healthcare for all is better here, but I personally received much better care, at a much higher level in the US. This being said I had really great insurance in the US, plus lived near several top rated medical centers, so I was probably in the lucky minority.
As for St Luc, I have been there and while my care was ok- I would say it was subpar to my US experiences however, my daughter was also hospitalised there and her treatment was excellent, top notch, I was pleasantly surprised.
I have also been to UZ Leuven Gasthuisburg (spelling?) and I thought they were great.
As for you, you do not say how you would qualify for health insurance here- you need signed up for a mutual and depending on the treatment, you need to have the mutual for x number of months before you qualify for care reimbursement.
Agree with Jennifer.
You can't beat the accessibility here, but the will depend on different factors. I can only say that my medical issues were promptly and properly addressed in the U.S.; I cannot say the U.S. has better healthcare than Belgium or visa versa.
My care in the states was affordable, and it didn't take seeing several physicians before my medical issues were addressed. My experience with healthcare here in Belgium hasn't been the best. It took about 3 years and several physicians to finally address my kidney issue. I was even hospitalized once (Virga Jesse-Hasselt) and my abnormal kidney function labs were overlooked.
St. Luc or UZ Leuven..........UZ Leuven would be my #1 choice.