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GP on a Saturday..?
FAQ and I bet the answers have all disappeared!
Please don't go to urgences, this is not the UK or USA.
ST Luc have an emergency GP service- it is in a building close to the urgence.
I will see if I can find detail.
If you go to ST luc and ask they can direct you.
CMGUINSTITUTIONPoste médical - Site Saint-LucADRESSEAvenue Hippocrate101200BruxellesTELEPHONE02/762.82.21HORAIRE DE CONSULTATIONSTous les jours de 9h00 à 23h00>> Situer le médecin sur googlemap
With map- building in car paark ST Luc
With map- building in car paark ST Luc
Your question implies that there are GPs who do NOT work on Saturdays?
Perhaps I have just been dead lucky but the 3 different GPs I have used since I have been here have all been available on Saturday mornings.
My current GP has a website and a 'digital waiting room' where you can make an appointment. This is around Aalst. Once we called to one of that tel. numbers and got a fast appointment with a good GP in 40 minutes.
sos medecins is st luc s out of hours service!