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Free/low-priced classes for stretching/yoga


Hi all, it's all in the subject.
I have recently stopped my subscription to the gym because it was not worth the time I could put in and the price I was paying for. In practical, I had very irregular opportunities to go to a gym or fitness classes. Hence I'm looking for very democratically priced or if possible, free classes. I have back issues (already visited kine) and I would like to do some stretching or yoga classes whenever I'm able to join.
Of course you could say that I can do this by following some video's on "U-tube" at home but I would like to see if there is any chance to do this together with other persons and with an instructor.
Hope you understand my request and can have tips for me. I could go to somewhere in Brussels or in Brabant Wallonia/Liege.


There's are several yoga place you can go for ad hoc sessions there is one called yoga loft they seem to do yoga in the park sometimes. It's near posideon I believe not been but the info looks good. They seem to have lessons for all abilities

Jun 17, 2015 15:24

Try and join Tessa at
This is a calm and lovely new studio in Saint Gilles

Jun 18, 2015 08:25

Most places have card systems so they are more expensive if you are not regular, I think at the Yogaloft you can use it over a long time, so it is probably a good option (If you want Asthange)

Jun 18, 2015 11:33
Sally Tipper Jun 19, 2015 11:19

on Sunday 21 June is YOGA day at the Cinquantennaire (10/11 - 16 h). I am sure, there will be present a lot of yoga gyms / classes for information.
have fun.

Jun 19, 2015 14:27