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Freelancing in Brussels


Dear All,

I am looking into becoming a freelancer, can anyone tell me how much tax one would have to pay, can someone recommend a reputable umbrella company?

Thanks have a nice day



In round figures, you keep half (or a bit more) and the rest goes to social security payments and taxes.

Mar 25, 2013 15:56

It is so dependent on personal circumstances and on your turnover that it's nigh on impossible to answer. Start by getting advice from an accountant or somewhere like here:
Or try getting advice through ACTIRIS

Mar 25, 2013 17:22

Best is advice & assistance from any Guichet d'Entreprises (for example from Partena etc.) or Ondernemingsloket (for the dutch-speaking areas).
you will need an acknowledgement of your professional education from the Belgian state, a VAT number etc.
Best is always with the 1st of new quarter (1.4. / 1.7. / 1.9.) to avoid higher social security costs referring back to a running quarter. Count with a minimum of ca. 500 EUR/quarter for social security - even you will not have a single cent of income, as these costs are obligatory.
Keep all bills related to your getting independant, set-up an excel-sheet for basic accounting, get an accountant - and get clients.
Good luck!

Mar 26, 2013 12:40

It is exceptionally expensive to be self-employed in Belgium, with miniscule medical insurance & pension.
but since new VAT regulations, you can now set up a simple small company in your own [european] country with a VAT number and issues bills to clients here & other european countries. The costs lower & insurance & pension benefits higher make this the way to go about it.
Good luck

Mar 26, 2013 13:04

Or you go for a payroll mgt co. I've used Tresag ( or .com). You get to keep about 65% with them

Apr 30, 2013 21:58