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Finding studio in specific area


I am looking for something to rent in a limited area (a few hundred meters walk). Would I see most of what is available from the street ("For rent" posts)? What are the best sites? Any that aggregates adds from many sites? This is for a small studio with short term contract, furnished or unfurnished.

I am also looking for an office


The biggest site aggregation site is, but unfortunately, the functionality to search on maps, or by streets is extremely poor.

Your idea of walking around is good, also look for any local estate agents in the area.

Finally, if you want a small studio with a short term contract and an office have you thought about an aparthotel. You might not find one in your location, but the admin and hassle of finding and renting what you actually want will be massively reduced and may offset the geographic issues.

Oct 11, 2018 13:00

Oct 11, 2018 14:06