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Fat Boy's sports bar to close in late August
The end is nigh for Fat Boy's, one of the most popular bars for expats in Brussels. The American sports bar at Place du Luxembourg is scheduled to close in late August, when its contract expires with the building’s owner, brewing giant InBev, which has other plans for the property. Fat Boy’s manager Bo Farrell is searching for an alternative location, reports brusselnieuws.be.
Farrell received the news two months ago, when he was told that the current rental contract would not be renewed at the end of August. "They have other plans, but they will not say what those are exactly," he told brusselnieuws.be.
He hopes to delay or overturn the decision. "I would like to talk face-to-face with the person who made the decision,” he said. “The problem is that we never get to see anyone."
The sports bar, which opened on Place du Luxembourg 15 years ago, has played a big part in turning the square into the popular spot it is today, according to Farrell, who is concerned that the diversity of the restaurants in the neighbourhood will suffer from Fat Boy’s move.
The other Fat Boy's location, on Avenue de Cortenbergh, will stay where it is. "But that's the little brother,” Farrell said. “Without the parent, it just won’t be the same."
Good, this was the worst ever effort at an American bar. The food was terrible and the service was worse
To each his own, I guess...I like it there a lot. Sure, Bo is a grumpy son of a gun, but I'd chalk that up to drunken American fools all day long who just wanna watch "their game" (I've been that girl, cause getting to see my niners is near impossible, given their late game schedule!). Plus, if you get on his good side, you're IN...Elvis is an awesome batentder and the wings are actually super!
I'm not sure what you experienced Bastionbloke, but I have been going there for 4 years and I have had great food and service. I'm not sure what you think would make it more American - American sports, fan memorabilia, and English spoken...
And yes Jen.clarkbowles - the wings are yummy! I've also not been disappointed with the great chicken sandwich, the burgers, and the supreme nachos!!
I am glad they're closing Fat Boys. If you have seen how they prepare the food, as I have, then you would never want to eat there again. The bartenders are nice, but all alcoholics who start fights. As for Bo, grumpy and unfriendly. I just hope now that they're closing, they replace it with a better American themed bar that has proper food.
Jeez, what a bunch of whiners. Compared to service at Belgian restaurants, this place shines! I come in to watch the Bills, and before I'm at my seat there's a Guinness being poured.
The customers are all great, and Bo is a great guy under his grumpy exterior. I hope he finds another spot.