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F+ Card
hi - been living in Belgium since May 2009 (over three years). currently have F Card (card for family members of EU citizens). im non EU. was married to a Belgian, divorcing a couple of months.
I applied for the F+ Card yesterday, the lady said it'll take up to 5 months.
would the fact that im non-Eu and divorcing be a problem for the F+ Card, although i've been legally living in Belgium for over 3 years...
As far as I know, yes it will be a problem. Unless the law has changed, after your divorce, if you don't have minor children with a EU citizenship, you can neither live or work in Belgium. Others in here might be better informed, but I would highly recommend that you speak to someone dealing with such cases. Good luck.
Hello Garfield ..
I was going through this forum and I see that I am having exactly the problem you mentioned here.
Please, how the yours go finally? Did you get the F+ card, was your normal F card withdrawn or changed for another card type after the divorce? I have been working with the interim on a daily contract for 1 and half year now. Please enlighten me as I am very worried about my status too.
Thank you in advance. Godbless
Hello I am f card holder it's been nearly 10 year in Belgium my son is also born here but my child father is been living here nearly 11 years but illegaly..we been together for 6 yrears .My guestion is ..Is it possible to get married ...What case ...
You are automatically entitled to apply for F+ card as the first F card is going to expire. You need to provide that you are able to support your self or your partner can support at least 1400euro per month you the same you did when you got your first card. The regulations are getting tighter in order to stop people benefiting form public welfare. I am supposing that you are married to a Belgian citizen, if so you can also apply for naturalization providing that you have at least 3 years married and at least 5 year residence here.
The difference between F and F+ is that this time you will be moved from foreigners register to national register and in the future there will be no requirements to renew your cards providing that you continue to live in Belgium, but you just provide your picture and 20euro.
Can some one help me with eny infomation about fcard to f+
Good day Abies,
What information exactly would you like to know?
Your question is broad.
i would like to know what happened with you
did you get the f+ and so on nationality ?
please explain more
Sorry for the late reply. Its quite a simple process but takes up to 6 month. You just go to you local commune and say which you want. They dont request nothing for the F+ but for Nationality, you would need alot of documents. Please look it up here:
Can you help to answer my question :
I am non-EU citizen, but I have a blue card resident from Poland, i got Belgium F card valid from August 2018.
If i want to have the permanent resident in Belgium, i need to live countinously for 5 years (does living in poland will be counted also to reach this 5 years?)
And, the other question is : my husband (polish citizen) will got a job outside belgium. Can i still reside here in Belgium only with my children with this F card or with the permanent residency card? (currently im not working and fully dependent to my husband) ? we need to stay here as my son is attending Belgium school.
I hope you can answer my question. Really do hope so.
Thank you in advance
Hello someone who can help me i have f card and it expires on 21st my wife's card expired in april and she went to her country she could not go to belgium because of covid-19 she He is from Romania and it has been 5 months since he could not renew the card. His and my address has been cut off and I received a letter this month that you can renew your F-card. This letter had 1 photo and 25 euros written on it. Anna and I think my wife's address has been cut off. Her idcard was also lost. I was attached to it. Will my card be renewed? Someone will guide me or give me a good lawyer who will solve my problem. I will be very grateful to you friends.