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The Eutopia Dinner Series

Full Circle
30/05/2024 from 19:30until 30/05/2024 - 19:30
30 May
Full Circle House
Ch. de Vleurgat 89
1050 Ixelles

From Plato’s Republic to Solarpunk architecture,
A brief history of a dreamy state

- Introduction to the series -

With movies and the news chock-full of dystopian scenarios and utopias too outlandish to be useful, we reach for a more forgotten term – the eutopia –meaning, a realistic vision of a good society. Governance futurist Corin Ism guides us through the past and present thinking on how we might organise to achieve more just and interesting worlds. This series comprises talks, followed by dinners where the topics on the table include the metrics of a good society and roadmaps to update and optimise our operating system – for both this planet and the next.

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Our current level of civilisation was achieved largely by written records – by people who sat down to draw up and write down the plans that turned into the streets, norms and institutions within whose bounds we live today. This evening is spent learning from those documents and visionaries of the past. We let their triumphs, tactics and failures inform how we can be effective in the high-stakes futures-building of our present day.

Next Up - Save the date

13 June - Slow Internet 
18 July - Post-scarcity economics




Corin is a governance futurist and writer, co-founder of the Future of Governance Agency, and the former Executive Director of the Global Challenges Foundation and Research Director at Bitnation.

Leading the Future of Governance Agency, she prioritizes clients through a framework emphasizing marginal utility. Their work includes groundbreaking research, such as the first governance study in Mars simulations, and ongoing projects focusing on world-building and eutopias.