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european school


Can anyone give us some feedback on their experience of the European school-particularly the English, primary section. We have heard so many diverse opinions that we are really torn between a local school my son got accepted to and the EU school (Uccle) which he is entitled to go to.



Our son has been in the English section in Berkendael from the start and now in P4. We have been very happy with the quality of teaching and with his progress. The European School has an academic focus which is a good thing if your child is that way inclined and there is a heavy focus on languages as you probably know. Your child will also meet childern from all over Europe which is a plus in my opinion. On the other hand, your child will meet the children of fairly well off European civil servants so its not exactly representative of all strands of society if thats what you want. We ensure that our son plays with local children as well as classmates to help him integrate with local Belgian people and that is working very well. As for sports, the emphasis is not high in the European school but that is easily balanced with all the sports clubs available outsides school and again that helps get to know Belgian society. Great football clubs here. 

Sep 20, 2011 21:18

Agree with everything said above. Our son went through the full English primary and we were very happy.

Oct 22, 2015 21:28