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error on lease contract
I have a nine year lease contract that stated on 1.1.2008. However I just noticed that the end date as written in the contract is that of 31.12.2017 (i.e. 10 years). Which date prevails? the real end of the nine years i.e. 31.12.2016 or what is "incorrectly" written in the contract of 31.12.2017.
Real date. Not that it really matters.
Strictly legally, any contract freely signed is valid unless it contains an error of fact or includes something which is illegal.
There is nothing illegal in signing a contract which is valid for 10 years. However, if NINE years is specifically mentioned and then dates are quoted which are TEN years apart you have an error of fact.
The easiest way to deal with it is to point out the 'wrong' date to the landlord and get it cleared up now. You don't want to be ready to move out at the end of 2016 and find yourself involved in a legal argument.