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Driving/Riding Covid 19


Hi All.

Can anyone give me the legislation regarding driving or motorcycle riding during Covid 19.

There's a lot of Facebook fiction i.e. motoriders from Flanders riding in the Ardennes can be prosecuted but not quoting the legislation.



I'll repeat again if it isn't clear to you, the government has published very clear and very specific information about travel. It covers all travel, whether you are driving a motorcycle or a car, or any other form of transport.

(1) Citizens are required to stay at home to avoid contact outside of their family as much as possible:
- Except to go to work
- Except for essential travel (to the doctor, food shops, post office, bank, pharmacy, to refuel or to help people in need)

You can acccess this information on the governments website here:

and specifically this page:

Mar 20, 2020 12:44

Hi Drifter.

Regretably, without going to the bother of researching past posts, that is my perception.

Would I be right in saying that, in general, social media sites often become a space to vent personalised opinion/interpretation and is open to take on a personal nature, rather than an unbiased discussion and questioning forum dealing in fact?

Rather than posting dictatorial comment, on any site, I endeavour to ask questions to get to fact.

Mar 20, 2020 13:11

Hi Drifter
Regretably, my perception as well, in general.

Mar 20, 2020 13:23


From another helpful source, the facts I was seeking:

(errata 01.10.2007, 27.11.2014 en 09.11.2017)

Art. 182. De minister of zijn gemachtigde kan in geval van dreigende omstandigheden de bevolking, ter verzekering van haar bescherming, verplichten zich te verwijderen van plaatsen of streken, die bijzonder blootgesteld, bedreigd of getroffen zijn, en degenen die bij deze maatregelen betrokken zijn een voorlopige verblijfplaats aanwijzen; om dezelfde reden kan hij iedere verplaatsing of elk verkeer van de bevolking verbieden. [Aangevuld bij W. van 21 december 2013, art. 110 (inw. onbepaald) (B.S. 31.12.2013) – Dezelfde bevoegdheid wordt toegekend aan de burgemeester
Art. 187. Weigering of verzuim zich te gedragen naar de maatregelen die met toepassing van artikelen 181, § 1 en 182 zijn bevolen, wordt in vredestijd gestraft met gevangenisstraf van acht dagen tot drie maanden, en met geldboete van zesentwintig euro tot vijfhonderd euro, of met één van die straffen alleen.
In oorlogstijd of in daarmede gelijkgestelde perioden wordt weigering of verzuim zich te gedragen naar de maatregelen die met toepassing van artikel 185 zijn bevolen gestraft met gevangenisstraf van drie maanden tot zes maanden en met geldboete van vijfhonderd euro tot duizend euro, of met één van de straffen alleen. De minister of, in voorkomend geval, de burgemeester of de zonecommandant, kan bovendien de genoemde maatregelen ambtshalve doen uitvoeren, op kosten van de weerspannige of in gebreke gebleven personen.

Mar 20, 2020 13:27

Well Bob, you seem to have found the answer yourself.
In general, this site does not result in personal attacks and the respondees try and help to the best of their ability and knowledge.

You have never really explained the reason for your original question. I can certainly see the huge appeal of driving a motorbike around the beautiful Ardennes roads when hardly anyone else is around and the police are probably otherwise occupied. This does not make it a responsible thing to do at the moment, just a purely selfish act. I leave you to decide what you do and if you do go, please stick to the speed limits! I would not like you to be occupying a hospital bed unnecessarily.

By the way, how do you access all these Facebook posts without having an account (there is no subscription, but you need an account to access other peoples' posts).

Mar 20, 2020 13:44

There is nothing here:
that explicitly prohibits going for a motorcycle ride in the Ardennes. You could argue that you are engaging in "Trips with family members living under the same roof", which is allowed.

However, the creativity of the Belgian police in finding some obscure offense with which to charge you should in no way be underestimated. If they think you're a tosser taking the piss and breaking the spirit of the law, they'll fine you.

And get a Facebook account. There are some good legal groups on there where you can get abuse from real life lawyers.

Mar 20, 2020 14:55

@BOBK100 "I endeavour to ask questions to get to fact."

Haha!! That's a laugh. After posting a question almost deliberately designed to scaremonger by posting "facts" that you got straight from your Facebook feed.

"There is so much Facebook Fiction." Absolutely there is, so maybe stay off your social media accounts for a while.

Come off it Bob.

Mar 21, 2020 09:14

I repeat - I have no Facebook account. This is the stuff friends and aquantancies send me, that so often I fact check and correct. It disappoints me that the senders don't do this themselves - they are so gullible but the number of instances fell off dramatically once they were made aware.

As an aside I find quite useful and worth a (unpaid) subscription.

I think 'DRIFTER' is right. What happens on this site, amongst others, is that some responders are quick to place unwarranted personalised comment when not in agreement, take exception or misconstrue the question. All that was requested was 'can you provide the legislation'. I deal in facts not opinion or interpretation and hopefully ask questions that might inspire educated debate - not unwarranted personalised comment.


Mar 21, 2020 10:27

HI wezembeekwanderer

Thank you for a constructive and well meant viewpoint.

As I said elsewhere - I have no Facebook or such account. The stuff I see (and hear) derive from friends who have such accounts and send to me. I wonder at their gullibilty! Most have learnt to CHECK THE FACTS!

Regret to say that I got my first speed ticket last year in Luxembourg for being 1kph over the 90 limit. My first ticket for 38 years! And that is as a professional motorcycle rider / instructor, car, and truck driver and God knows how many miles.

It's probably never a safer time to go for a drive to escape claustrophobia, and statistically very unlikely to end in hospital, but do accept that for an uncomplicated life it's better to stay indoors.

Mar 21, 2020 10:51
