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Desperately in need to register in the commune


Dear all,

I am an EU citizen relocating from the Netherlands to Brussels. I already got an apartment (in the postcode 1000) and am now trying to register at the commune. I try calling a lot of times but nobody picked up. I emailed them and the automatic reply says it might be several weeks until they get back to me. Haven't heard from them yet. I can't even find out exactly which documents I will need to present and how does the process work. All I find online is that all communication is done via email.
I will be self-employed. I have already began that procedure, which is going well, but I will need my registration asap (my contract with my client begins in December).
Also, it seems that I can't get internet on my apartment or open a bank account without it, so I'm desperate!
Anyone has advices or suggestions? I would appreciate that!

Many thanks,

Juan Hendrawan Putra

Just go to the commune directly and it will be sorted within a day after the police came to your apartement to check if you live there. My advice go to commune early and they can help. I live in 1000 commune too and that's what I did when I moved here from the Netherlands! Good luck!

Nov 9, 2016 17:12

Hi Julia,
Just my 2cents - you should start your self-employment by 1/1/2017 and not before !! (Date your first invoice for 12/2016 on the beginning of Jan 2017 and you should be fine) ...otherwise you are facing for 4Q2016 already all Social Security costs without any income against it (approx 500 EUR minimum).

and for a rough info what's needed for the registration, look at a neighbouring commune, e.g. Elsene
Please follow Juans advice to show EARLY = 1 hour min before opening.
Good luck, xl

Nov 9, 2016 17:26

Julia don't worry if you're an eu citizen as long as you make approach to the commune within a short time frame you will be fine living here until it's sorted. I'm not clear they will give you the documents you need until you're actually living here I'm afraid.. Even if you have all your paperwork in order internet can take several weeks to get installed because the companies here aren't the fastest. My advice avoid proximus if you can they have a terrible record for service.
Usually you just need a copy of your lease and also proof of identity like a passport or ID card and photographs it's pretty straight forwards to register. They give you something paper wise ID until it's sorted and that is enough to open say a phone account.

Nov 9, 2016 19:42

You will also need proof that you have (or are in the process of enrolling for) health insurance here. Ask your existing health insurer in the Netherlands about the papers they need to give you to ease the enrolment process with a mutuelle here. I am afraid that the actual enrolment is likely to be another thing that requires the registration process to be completed (and, yes, that is a bit of a Catch 22 situation).

Nov 9, 2016 21:04

I have registered twice and never been asked for proof of health insurance.

Nov 9, 2016 22:38

As for a bank account, go to KBC they will open you an account with a passport and maybe even your existing Dutch id paper.

Nov 10, 2016 09:14

Go to Ing or BNP Fortis, or Belifius and they will also open a bank account for you before registering, it's not an exclusivity of KBC.

Nov 10, 2016 10:05
Eric Ash

Just go to the "gemeente - commune" within 3 weeks of your arrival, all registration will be started and proceed at the pace of Belgium administration, sometimes quick and sometimes slow but as Dutch citizen, you are free to move within the EU for 3 months and even longer if you have employment or if you study. Do not need to do anything in advance of your arrival in Brussels.

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