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Dentalia in Partenamut question
Hello, we've changed mutuelles to Partenamut since our friends recommend them. We also took the Dentalia option. We've yet to receive information from them, but can anyone tell us whether there is a grace or trial period before they will start reimbursing us for visits? When we first came to Belgium, we hadn't realised that there was a trial period of 6 months before our mutuelle would start paying, and we racked up quite a bill at our own expense not knowing this and want to avoid a repeat. Also any experience with the Dentalia insurance would be appreciated - what is their reimbursement for bridges, for example? TIA!
They say : ’Remboursement de 50 ou 80%* des bridges, couronnes, implants et prothèses amovibles complètes ou partielles. La parodontologie traite les affections des gencives, des ligaments et cavités dentaires ‘ so between 50 and 80% for a bridge.
It also says : ‘Un stage de 6 mois à compter de la date d’affiliation est exigé pour l’octroi des interventions de Dentalia Plus.
Le stage est porté à 12 mois pour le remboursement des prothèses, implants et des prestations d’orthodontie.
Dentalia Plus n’intervient pas pour une prestation de soins dentaires établie pendant le stage.’
So you may have to wait 6 months from the date of affiliation and this could be extended to 12 months for repayment of
devices, implants and orthodontic benefits.