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Cycling in Brussels
Hi welcome to brussels. A word of advice I would say although they say here the bike is king and the car is supposed to give way to the bike the reality is if you have an accident that is not your fault, you will struggle to get the insured person to pay your out of pocket expenses. They have a stupid system of green light for turning traffic and green bike crossing at same time in some places. My son had this happen was hit by a car no damage to him thank goodness, just his bike repairs and cost of ambulance and even after the police declared him not at fault we never got the money. We chased it for ages in French and Flemish but they insurance wouldn't pay out. We were told this is common So I would suggest you get an annual insurance policy to ensure you are protected. We were advised to get an annual policy Look up GRACQ for details.
All the best
Apart from needing a crash helmet, you will also need body armour! Brussels is far from being a safe place to cycle in - getting there, but ... the cycle path down the middle of Avenue Tervuren leading all the way to Tervuren Park is about the only one I would venture out on! Good luck.
My commute to work is 90% back roads, dedicated cycle tracks.
You'll also find cycling clubs here if you want to take it up more seriously, or you should find cycling partners as well.
If you're careful and try to avoid car routes, which is quite possible, it's quite safe.?
Hi Elvira do you already find any club or any group for cycling? I also just arrive to Brussels and I am looking for something similar! Best
Hi Elvira do you already find any club or any group for cycling? I also just arrive to Brussels and I am looking for something similar! Best
Hi Everyone,
I've thought the Avenue Tervuren is safe but apparently I was very wrong. Two days ago a stupid driver decided to take a shortcut and turn right passing the bike route (the turn is restricted). I hit the car with speed of 30 km/h and was very badly injured. Now I think that the only safe places for biking are in forest.
Cheers, Szymon