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Creche -how does it work?


Hi, I'm having trouble understanding the creche system in Belgium. We would be looking for a communal creche - can we sign up anywhere (ie. near work) or does it have to be in the commune where we live and are registered?


No you cannot sign up for any communal creche, priority to those living in the commune and priority again to those whose circumstances might mean they cannot afford a private one, eg sole parents, those on a low income. Are you 6 weeks pregnant? That is the time to sign up for a communal creche. Creche is for children aged 3 months to 3 years.

Aug 9, 2013 10:38

It's not difficult. You find a creche that you like and that has a place and they will explain the rest.

Make sure that:
- you can communicate with staff (language)
- you fit in with the opening hours
- the creche is officially accredited (it's not tax deductible otherwise)
- You can drop off without getting a daily parking ticket

You can chose any creche, but some commune creches have requirements that you already live in the same commune.

Personal experience of commune creches suggests they may not be able to confirm a place until the very last minute, by which time all the good private ones will be full.

Aug 9, 2013 11:35