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Covid Test


Where can I buy a reliable test kit, or must one go to the hospital?


Emille B.

If you do not have any symptons ; it might be safer not to get a test , it is not pleasant , and also you do need a referral from your GP to get tested in hospital.
Also test stations are hotspot to get infected.....

Mar 23, 2020 15:17

You cannot choose to have the test. You will get one if the hospital thinks you need one. Testing resources are overloaded as well.

Mar 23, 2020 16:36

Do not buy self test kits, or try to self test. You're wasting valuable resources that could be used by medical professionals to save lives. If you are ill contact your doctor by phone.

Follow the governments official advice:

"Anyone with respiratory infections must stay at home and call their doctor. Based on a phone consultation, the doctor will decide whether the person can recover at home or has to be admitted to hospital."
and specifically here:

• Only persons with severe respiratory disorders who require hospitalisation will still be tested for COVID-19.

• People with respiratory tract infections that do not require hospitalization are no longer tested, either by the doctor or by hospitals. They are assumed to have COVID-19. The doctor asks them to apply isolation at home.

• Exception: Nursing staff (e.g. doctors and nurses) needed for care will be tested as a priority in the case of respiratory disorders, so that they can be quickly returned to care if the test is negative.

Mar 23, 2020 16:36

Thank you very much for the good advice.

Mar 23, 2020 18:36