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Cost of water in Brussels
Can anyone tell me how much water costs (what an annual bill should be), for a person living alone in a flat in Brussels?
I have received a bill for €300 for the last year's consumption (2017 to 2018). That works out to an average of 25€ per month. Is that reasonable? I am aware that the cost of water has risen.
More specifically, my water meter was installed in 2012. It now shows a reading of 0375 383m3. Therefore, how much should that have cost me, in total, from 2012 to 2018 (taking into account the increase in the cost of water)?
Thanks a lot.
You can calculate it yourself using
Water costs:
As a very rough estimate, on average a single person uses around 100 litres (0.1 m3) of water per day. That is 0.1 m3 x 365 days = 36.5 m3 per year, which should cost you around a total of approx €120.
If you take long showers, or have a bath every day, your consumption could easily double.
I'll leave it to someone else to calculate how much your water cost for the past 6 years.
My water supplier is Farys ( ) . For two people water bill is €18 every quarter.
Check for water leaks in pipes and dripping taps; take a quick shower.
Be careful with your water consumption; water used for rinsing dishes can also be used to flush the toilet. Check water and electricity consumption for a small dishwasher (only turn on when completely full) - ditto for washing machine. This also helps.
Have you read your water meter only once in 6 years?
Do you know your annual consumption over the past 6 years?
6 people in my household, annual consumption is 141m3, so 23.5m3 per year. We do consume less than average, but you should be really 40m3 or less per year.
Vivaqua bills are based on number of people in household and consumption.
40m3 per person is an average consumption.
40m3 per year for one person with Vivaqua is 40 X 3.52 = €140.80 per year.
70m3 for a single person with Vivaqua is €300 per year, so you are using a very large amount of water, it's 3 times what each member of my household is using.
You should read your own meters regularly. It will mean you can spot mistakes more easily.
Hello, I wonder how do they calculate the cost of water. I know that there are 3 categories, for instance, if you use more than 30 m3, you have to pay more. However, I don't know if you use more than 30 m3, whether the new price would apply to whole consumption or only the difference between 30 m3 and your current consumption.