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cooking outdoors / grilling out in the city


Can anyone tell about restrictions Brussels imposes on open out-door cooking/grilling in the city or apartment areas (not elevated balconies or terraces...)? I realize it may be a building-by-building thing, but there are no restrictions in my lease; however I am directed to comply with all other 'domestic regulations' ...?

Thanks, ex-pats!


There are no regulations that I have ever heard of, in any of the communes, preventing it if it's on private property.

Apr 20, 2017 17:46

The police regulations (règlement général de police) of the commune generally take that into account when a rule exist.

The rules of your building (règlement d'ordre intérieur) may also have provisions in that respect.

Apr 23, 2017 19:04

Article 41.
Il est interdit d'incommoder le voisinage par des fumées, odeurs ou émanations quelconques, ainsi que par des poussières ou projectiles de toute nature.
Sans autorisation de l'autorité compétente, il est également interdit de faire du feu en-dehors desimmeubles bâtis et de détruire par combustion en plein air tous déchets, en ce compris les déchets verts.
Sans préjudice de l'alinéa 1er, les barbecues sont autorisés dans les jardins privés et assimilés, et uniquement s'il est fait usage de fourneaux fixes ou mobiles.

As an example of règlement général de police allowing it with fixed or mobile BBQ but mentioning only "jardins privés et assimilés" and therefore excluding balconies.....which would fall under exclusion alinea 1st.

Apr 23, 2017 19:09