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Content by tag : tourism

Illustration picture shows empty terraces on the Grand Place - Grote Markt in Brussels. (BELGA PHOTO NICOLAS MAETERLINCK)

The Brussels tourism industry has suffered one of its worst summers on record as the ongoing health crisis, coupled with the terrible weather, has led to foreign tourists shunning the capital.

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Twenty breweries in one street. Doesn’t that sound like paradise? That was once the case on Michel Theysstraat in Diest. But now there is just one: Loterbol.

Illustration shows flooded streets in the city centre of Spa, Wednesday, 14 July 2021. (BELGA PHOTO BRUNO FAHY)

The sun should finally make its return as the week comes to a close, which will be some small relief for the Belgian tourism industry that had been counting on a better summer to help boost its re

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In the past, holiday accommodations and tourist agencies never considered accessibility when developing their programmes or putting together travel ideas.


If you’ve ‘been there, done that’ with Dinner in the Sky, move on to the next level of aerial eating: Dinner on the Wheel.


Flemish tourism minister, Zuhal Demir (N-VA), is negotiating with the federal government to buy the Dynasty Palace on Mont des Arts.


Brussels-City is planning to open four new public toilets in the municipality and are launching a programme to subsidise restaurants that open their toilets to anyone, customer or not.


Knokke-Heist considers itself the toniest of the resorts along the Belgian coast and it encourages people to understand that swimwear is beachwear and that when they leave the beach to enjoy


The Brussels government has approved' 2021 relaunch plan, the fruit of an intensive consultation between players in the tourism, event and cultural sectors.
